Slave Trade and Abolition of slavery
Before anyone uses resources from this section of the website I urge you to read this excellent article from Marika Sherwood, one of the leading historians in Britain about Slavery and Abolition.
- Equiano the Adventurer starter activity(3.1mb),
Equiano the Explorer(6.2mb)
and Equiano's journey to the Arctic (3.3mb) from the Equiano Education pack written by Dan Lyndon for the Equiano Project, available for sale here.
- Lesson plan for the Equiano the Adventurer activities
- Support the campaign to get a Blue Plaque for Equiano You can look at the fantastic collaborative work between Henry Compton School, Fulham and the Ridings School, Halifax demanding recognition for Equiano Blue Plaque campaign (the password is Arsenal)
- Equiano Blue Plaque. (33kb) This is the worksheet which can be to write to English Heritage calling for a Blue Plaque for Equiano (33kb)
- Thomas Clarkson (316kb) Dale
Banham's scheme of work explores why Thomas Clarkson became so passionate
about abolishing slavery and how he managed to achieve his aim of ending
slavery in the British Empire
- The teaching material for Dale's scheme of work is split into 4 units:
- Unit 1: What changed Clarkson's life? Redemption Song, powerpoint 1 (221kb), powerpoint 2 (675kb)and Unit 1 (714kb)
- Unit 2: The Clarkson Challenge powerpoint 3 (254kb), Evidence collection template (34kb), sources for the Clarkson challenge (381kb), Unit 2 (143kb)
- Unit 3: How was Clarkson remembered? How has Clarkson been remembered? (50kb), Factor information cards (86kb), Unit 3 (85kb)
- Unit 4: What would Clarkson be angry about today? Unit 4 (38kb),Citizenship Foundation - Ending Slavery: an unfinished business Excellent Free resources
for schools about the campaign to abolish slavery, including a lot of very good activities about fighting slavery today, A timeline of Clarkson's life (358kb, recommended websites (35kb)
- Abolition
of the Slave Trade A lesson by Andy Walker asking students to evaluate
the causes of the campaign to abolish the Slave Trade
- Africa before the Slave Trade (39kb) Lesson
plan from Dr Nick Dennis about life in Africa before the Slave Trade to
be used with the Africa cards (623kb)
- Amistad page from
the Gilder Lehrman Center for the study of slavery, resistance and abolition
- Amistad Webquest
- Bradford and the Slave Trade A fantastic piece of research by Dan Moorhouse looking at the connections between Bradford and the Slave Trade from Roman times through to 1881, with hyperlinks to relevant websites
- Dungeon
Masters Article from the Guardian newspaper about the Merseyside Maritime
Museum, which includes information about the case of the slave ship Zong
- Elizabeth
Heyrick one of the leading women campaigners against the Slave Trade
- Granville Sharp
detailed biography from the Brycchan Carey
website which 'is concerned with the history and literature of slavery and
abolition, and with black writers in eighteenth-century Britain.'
- Middle Passage (19kb) A sorting activity
for lower ability - students have to cut and paste descriptions under the
appropriate headings
- Middle Passage
Test An online multiple choice test based on extracts from Equiano's
autobigraphy, by Andy Walker
- Olaudah Equiano from
Brycchan Carey's website
- Equiano the Sailor (285kb) This 'newsroom' activity is based on Equiano's experiences in the Royal Navy during the Seven Years War
- Olaudah Equiano (495 kb) This is a Flipchart
showing two images of Olaudah Equiano and a brief timeline. Students have
to design a storyboard of his experiences
- Olaudah
Equiano webquest This is a webquest that I wrote to help understand
the role of Equiano in the anti-slavery movement. The task is for students
to write a website for Equiano
- Ottobah Cugoano
the writer of the first abolitionist publication in English by an African,
from Brycchan Carey's website
- Samuel Sharpe (161kb) The leader of
the Montego Bay uprising, which kickstarted the campaign to finally end
slavery in the British Empire.
- Slave ships writing frame (23kb)
This links in with the sorting activity above and gives a structure to a
piece of extended writing. There is also an adjective box at the bottom
to stimulate ideas
- Slavery images
The thousand images in this collection have been selected from a wide range
of sources, most of them dating from the period of slavery.
- Slavery
lesson An ICT based lesson using Interactive diagrams and Powerpoint
where students have to investogate life as a slave by Andy Walker from the
Educationforum website
- Slavery project
An ICT based project by Andy Walker . Students have to produce a website
showing their understanding of what life as a slave was like
- Spartacus
the comprehensive 'Encyclopedia of Slavery' from John Simkin's website including
entries about the British campaigners against the Slave Trade
- Tobacco Task (730kb) John Siblon's excellent research project on the relationship between Britain, Africa and America through an indepth study of the Tobacco Trade, with many online resources, primary source material and an essay based assessment
- Triangular
Trade fantastic Flash based activities from the National Maritime Museum
which allows students to make their own exhibition about the Transatlantic
Slave Trade
- Up
from Slavery activities for students to find out about the Transatlantic
Slave Trade from the
Breaking the Silence website of the anti-slavery society
- Zong (64kb) an excellent resource from the National
Great Blacks in Wax Museum in Baltimore in which students reconstruct
a trial about the case of the Slave Ship Zong
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