Black presence up to Tudor times
- Septimius Severus (255kb) Emily Thomas's presentation on the Black Roman Emperor who died in York
- Attitudes to immigrants (49kb) Emily Thomas's ppoint on Tudor attitudes to race
- Before the Black Victorians website from the Mackenzie Heritage Archives
- Beginning History test (2.1mb) A baseline test with comprehension style questions about primary / secondary sources, chronology, bias and some simple source questions (approx L3-L5) which uses sources about John Blanke
- Drake and the Cimmarroons For further details of the Jewel and the connection between Drake and the Cimmarroons (runaway African slaves who intermarried with the local population in the Carribbean
- Drake Jewel The Jewel worn by Sir Francis Drake, painted by Nicholas Hilliard in 1575, showing a minature of Elizabeth I and a bust of an African male
- Drake wearing the Jewel from the National Maritime Museum website
- Elizabeth and the Blackmoores (1.4mb) A worksheet with thinking skills activities and a role play about Elizabeth's plans to exchange the Blackmoores for English prisoners in 1596
- Elizabeth and the Blackmoores lesson plan (26kb) A lesson plan for the above activities (a double lesson 100 mins)
- Quotes from Elizabethan and contemporary times about race and asylum
- Miranda Kaufmann's (63kb) article about Casper Van Senden and the Blackmoores
- First Asians in Britain A website tracing the history of Asians in Britain to 1600
- John Blanke the Black trumpeter at the Tudor Court, from the National Archives website, Black Presence
- Why India? the British Library virtual exhibition 'Trading Places' about the East India Company